Forensic Report, Dr. Rathbun.

Rathbun's Recommendation... "Based upon the incident and recovery documentation, the physical and circumstantial evidence, the dental evidence, and the skeletal analysis, no exclusive identification of any of the remains in CILHI 0208-93C appears possible within reasonable scientific certainty. Considering the preponderance of evidence,...consolidation the biological remains in CILHI Group Remains 3-94 appears to be an appropriate one."


Rathbun states: " JFT-FA and DPMO summaries indicate that no substantive evidence exists that any crew member survived the incident." Apparently, the '559 Document', the 'GX2527' distress code outside Dong Vai Prison, and their own 'eye witness accounts' are not sufficiently 'substantial' for them.

Rathbun states: "Since none of the dental remains can be exclusively attributed to any individual crew member of REFNO 1530, the recommendation for consolidation as group remains seems reasonable." Why? All that has been shown is a C130A crashed in the vicinity of the reported incident and they have some teeth of unknown origin. The Air Force gave their pilots very good dental care and kept excellent records on all their pilots, since a tooth problem at altitude good jeopardize a mission. So why then can't they identify any of the teeth? Why was there no record of Brown's partial plate? Does this conclusion seem reasonable?

Rathbun states: "The documentation of the recovered human skeletal remains illustrates that no anatomical/skeletal features could be associated with any particular individual. Although there was no conclusive duplication of elements, the minimum number of individuals represented was at least one, adult male of unknown racial ancestry." If they can't determine racial ancestry, how do they know these bone fragments belong to any member of the crew? It would be just as reasonable to assume that the bones were from a Laotian male or an Australian male.

Rathbun's Recommendation: "...no exclusive identification of any of the remains in CILHI 0208-93C appears possible within reasonable scientific certainty. Considering the preponderance of evidence, the recommendation for consolidation of the biological remains into CILHI Group Remains 3-94 appears to be the appropriate one." What preponderance of evidence? CILHI cannot identify any teeth or bones beyond a reasonable doubt and yet they are willing to claim this represents the entire crew from REFNO 1530! Even more ridiculous is their statement "Inclusion of the dental prosthesis designated CILHI 0208-93B and associated with Captain Brown seems acceptable." It is not acceptable to me and I doubt if any reasonable person would accept their conclusions based on the evidence presented.