Mr. Love's Email Message

What is being done to determine the fate of Major Peter R Matthes-USAF, whose valid E&E code GX2527( Escape and Evader code) was last seen on June 5, 1992 outside Dong Vai prison in North Vietnam?

What is being done to examine the remaining satellite imagery which was never shown to the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs in 1991 and 1992 and which contains many other valid E&E codes?

What is being done to obtain a KGB document which according to former Russian General Volkogonov details a plan to move American POWs to Russia during the Vietnam war?

There is strong evidence that American pilots may still be alive and held in captivity. Their family and friends deserve to know their fate.

Please advise me of any action that is being taken by you or any other elected or appointed official to resolve these issues.

In the event there is nothing being done, please explain how you personally plan to resolve these important issues.

The Presidents Response

So Where are the Lies and Deception?

  • Lie #1... "No parachutes and no emergency signals or voice transmissions were heard by the escort aircraft.
    Facts... Original DOD Message Sent 24 NOV 69 with the Highest Priority , indicated 'ONE BEEPER'

  • Lie #2... Remains of the entire crew were recovered and identified.
    Facts... Although CILHI cannot identify anyone from dental records, bone fragments, or pistol serial numbers, they conclude that the remains include Capt Earl C. Brown, Maj Peter R.Matthes, Maj Michael D. Balamoti, Lt Col Richard O. Ganley, CMSgt Donald L. Wright, CMSgt Larry I. Grewell, CMSgt Rexford J. DeWispelaere, and CMSgt Charles R. Fellenz.

  • Lie #3... The anwser they derived to that question was "cleary no."
    *** "The intelligence indicates that the American Prisoners of War have been held continuously after Operation Homecoming and remain in captivity in Vietnam and Laos as late as 1989."
    Oral Intelligence Briefing before the Senate Select Committee on POWs-MIAs,
    April 8, 1992

    *** "Despite adherences to internal policies and public statements after April, 1973, that "no evidence" existed of living POWs, DIA authoritatively concluded as late as April, 1974, that several hundred living POW/MIAs were still held captive in Southeast Asia."
    Interim Report on the Southeast Asian POW/MIA Issue
    By the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Republican Staff
    Release Date: Monday, October 29, 1990

    *** "In fact, classified and unclassified information all confirm one startling fact: That DOD in April, 1974, concluded beyond a doubt that several hundred living American POWs remained in captivity in Southeast Asia. This was a full year after DOD spokesmen were saying publicly that no prisoners remained alive."
    Interim Report on the Southeast Asian POW/MIA Issue
    By the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Republican Staff
    Release Date: Monday, October 29, 1990


    "Referenced report provided information of urgent political sensitivity," so reads a Defense Intelligence Agency message sent to USDAO Saigon Vietnam on June 15, 1973. Only evidence of American POWs left behind in Vietnam would warrant a message of "Urgent Political Sensitivity." That was the situation facing DIA in June of 1973.

    The next time someone asks you to name one American Serviceman left behind in Southeast Asia, name just one....Look them straight in the eye and say
    Captain John T. McDonnell United States Army

    Last Known Duty Station --- Vietnamese Prison Camp Ba To, Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam.Last Seen Mid To Late February 1973 And He Was Not Alone!

  • Lie #4... GX2527
    Facts... Although CILHI cannot identify anyone from dental records, bone fragments, or pistol serial numbers, they conclude that the remains include Capt Earl C. Brown, Maj Peter R.Matthes, Maj Michael D. Balamoti, Lt Col Richard O. Ganley, CMSgt Donald L. Wright, CMSgt Larry I. Grewell, CMSgt Rexford J. DeWispelaere, and CMSgt Charles R. Fellenz.

    More responses to follow.