"Thank you for your letter in support of the Senate Select Committee's decision to determine the fate of a U.S. pilot lost in 1969 in Laos... Let me assure you of my personal commitment to secure the fullest possible accounting of those still missing and unaccounted for from the war...The family of that pilot deserves our best efforts to determine his fate."
  26 FEB 93... Senator Dave Durenberger of Minnesota writes to President Clinton about GX2527. Clinton responds on 19 MAY 93.
  1 AUG 94... Senator Dave Durenberger of Minnesota writes again to President Clinton about GX2527. Clinton does not respond!
  27 JUL 94... Representative Ramstad of Minnesota writes again to President Clinton about GX2527.
  03 MAY 93 ...Ramstad forwards to Dir. of the DIA a Request for Follow-Up Action on GX2527 from Dan Forby of MINNESOTA WON'T FORGET POW/MIA.